A volunteer organization playing concert band music for recreation and community service in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Folder Stuffing Prep

Timing works best if:

  • Music list is set 2 1/2 weeks before first rehearsal.
  • New music is in librarians had 1 1/2 weeks before first rehearsal.


  1. Create new inScoreOrder virtual folder.


  1. Add selections to the inScoreOrder virtual folder.
  2. Order new music.
  3. Review new charts on arrival.
    • Give approved charts to librarian.
    • Return unapproved charts to vendor.
  4. Notify librarian that rehearsal list is ready.


  1. Pick day on Calendar for stuffing.
    • Works best the Tuesday before first rehearsal.
    • Arrange a venue.
    • Email band to recruit helpers.
  2. Pull charts from library.
    • Print Simple Music List prior to visiting library from the virtual folder, or use mobile device in library to view the list. 
    • Check catalog number against list for each chart, we have many titles with multiple arrangements or similar titles.
  3. Review for condition.
    • Try to order/find missing parts. (Takes time)
    • Notify conductor if chart missing or unplayable.
  4. Process new music.
    • Stamp each piece in upper right corner or under title.
    • Add to inScoreOrder database with as much info as possible.
    • Mark up new envelope for filing. IMPORTANT: Include CAT# (from inScoreOrder DB) in upper right corner.
  5. Pull conductor scores.
    • Scan cover & intro pages to include the instrumentation & first music page. (sometimes instrumentation is on back.)
    • If score in bad condition or out of print scan full score.
    • Add the instrumentation to inScoreOrder entry.
    • Upload the cover.
    • Hand off scores to the Conductor.
  6. Scan entire chart if:
    • Public domain. (only pass out copies)
    • Out of print. (only pass out copies)
    • Delicate condition. (only pass out copies)
    • March size, print enlarged copies.
  7. Update inScoreOrder DB with missing info from each chart.
    • Time, difficulty, spelling, subtitle, genres, reorder info, value, etc.
  8. Modify (excel) folder list as needed.
    • Add/delete folders as requested by section leader.
  9. Create Stickers with mail merge
  10. Create Handout
    • Edit info on mail merge doc for season.
    • Mail merge with folder list doc.
  11. Sticker folders and insert matching hand outs.

Stuffing Day

  1. Show up about 30 minutes early to set up.
  2. Lay out charts in the same order as listed on the handout.
    • Use music stands lined up in hallway if stuffing is at library.
    • Pull charts from folios.
  3. Instruct people as they arrive.