Supported by band members, volunteers man tables of instruments and answer questions from eager children young and old.

In 2011 the Jackson Hole Community Band supported the Grand Teton Music Festivals children concerts through-out the year by providing band instruments prior to concerts for children to touch, play and ask questions about various instruments. Supported by band members, these volunteers manned tables of instruments and answered many questions from eager children young and old. A whole new group of kids got the opportunity to try out playing for the first time under our careful watch. We saw budding trumpet players, flute players and even a few oboists!

Non-Profit of the Week:
By shopping at the market you are supporting local area growers and fresh food vendors as well as contributing to worthwhile causes in our community. Market vendors are not charged to sell at the market. Instead, they donate 10% of their weekly revenues to the non-profit of the week. The Non-Profit of the Week will receive a donation of 10% of the market receipts for the Saturday they are featured. Non-profits apply through a competitive grant application process. The Jackson Hole Farmers Market on Town Square has contributed a total more than $200,000 to area non-profit organizations since its inception in 2000. Watch for the JHCB Petting Zoo .
By shopping at the market you are supporting local area growers and fresh food vendors as well as contributing to worthwhile causes in our community. Market vendors are not charged to sell at the market. Instead, they donate 10% of their weekly revenues to the non-profit of the week. The Non-Profit of the Week will receive a donation of 10% of the market receipts for the Saturday they are featured. Non-profits apply through a competitive grant application process. The Jackson Hole Farmers Market on Town Square has contributed a total more than $200,000 to area non-profit organizations since its inception in 2000. Watch for the JHCB Petting Zoo .
If you have a photo you would like added please email