6th Annual Halloween Concert this Saturday

Are you prepared to be scared? Spooky music! Scary costumes! Weird-sounding instruments! A sing-along! SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.

Don’t forget to join the Jackson Hole Community Band for their 6th Annual Halloween Concert for the kids, THIS Saturday, October 24th, 3:00PM at Walk Festival Hall.

In partnership with the Grand Teton Music Festival and local businesses at Teton Village we present Halloween music from Pirates of the Caribbean, the Incredibles,  and other spooky music, a kids costume parade on stage, and other ghoulish delights. We even have a special piece for the children of the 80’s.

Trick or Treating to follow at 15 participating Teton Village businesses .

www.tetonvillagewy.org The Teton Village Association has been working hard to bring you more participating businesses than in any other year. Thank You Colleen!  And thank you to all the participating businesses.

Click here for the on line Trick or Treat Map with list of participating businesses.