Meet Zachary Singer –
Every journey begins with a single step. The Jackson Hole Community Band will begin it’s 2018-19 season with the many racing steps of Old Bills Fun Run. Who could ask for a better way to start?
For me, Old Bills has always been the start. Two years ago, I made my debut as the conductor on a wonderful sunny morning in Town Square. Since then, I have made new friends and strengthened old ones, seen the eyes of children light up when they hear a familiar Halloween tune, given audience members a journey around the world and through time and seen a side of Jackson that loves and appreciates the arts on a community level. My experiences are only a small fraction of the great experiences had by all the members of the band since its inception in 1989. This year we share some of those experiences leading up to Old Bills with a Meet a Member Campaign. Select members of the group will have a chance to blog on our website about their experiences with the band and why they still love being a member.

The music we’ll be playing at the Square will reflect the spirit of our group. From the zany sounds of The Muppets Theme to the laid back sounds of MacDonald and Hanley’s Indiana to the somewhat suspicious sounds of The Stripper. Every tune will help make this early September morning energize. And with that, every band member will bring their own personality into the music we present for you.
One thing I can’t forget to mention is the importance of donating to the Community Band via Old Bills Fun Run. Examples of how your donations help include instrument repair, maintenance of library materials, radio and newspaper publicity, rehearsal and concert space rentals, and so forth. These details are only a mere trifle as compared to the real intent of your donation. Your donation shows the love and support for community music making and its impact on the future of our society. I’ll see you on the square!
Zach Singer
Keep the music alive!
Please remember us at Old Bills 2018.
- To donate on line: Old Bills Fun Run Donor View
- To donate by mail: Old Bills Donor Form
In 2018, you can give beginning August 1st until 5 pm on September 14th. We hope you can join us Saturday, September 8th, for Old Bill’s at the Jackson Town Square!
What is Old Bills?
We cannot thank you enough for your support!
Thank you from all of the Jackson Hole Community Band Members.
2018 – 2019 Season
- Old Bills Fun Run
- Oktoberfest
- Halloween Concert
- Holiday Concert
- Wyoming Special Olympics – 50 Years!
- Spring Concert
- Old West Days Parade
- Independence Day Parade & Lions Club Breakfast Concert
- Jackson Lake Lodge Patriotic Concert
Upcoming Events
Lions Club Concert
Taps Across America
Wyoming Special Olymipcs
Spring Concert
Memorial Day Weekend Parade
4th of July Parade
Jackson Lake Lodge
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